The Justified Exemption Of The Unconsciously Ignorant
This world, where dictates and control mechanisms are the dynamism that keeps it in “order”, we ought to be quite careful of how we participate in and enforce that order so we don’t sabotage ourselves beyond mental recourse with the “One story” pragmatism. The truth as it is can only be validated truth until the observer becomes an experiential participant, This is factual. Just like you might have guessed, there-in lies a spiritual undertone to the essence of this article, YES!.. and it mirrors the topic, For if we evaluate the base premise that underlines the adoption of belief systems and spiritual convictions we, might be quite alarmed at the height of individually conscious ignorance that is in play, and this is whence the essay is navigated. Conscious ignorance is a deliberate act of ignoring the consequence of an action while Unconscious ignorance of course is opposite, it approaches a course of action without an understanding of the intricacies attributed to that action. Conscious and Unconscious ignorance can only be concretely verified by the individual participating in the event even though by virtue of justice the individual’s account cannot be wholly trusted and justice is only served on account of events and circumstances that culminated, but should the overbearing dictates of politics and religion summarize the antecedents of both the conscious and unconscious ignorant, This problem even though benign as it is, is a major loophole in the structure of our modern day “organized reality”
If we mirrored the spiritual essence of this in the image of “the unconscious ignorance” we can resolve a whole lot of theological discrepancies that once in a while bog the mind of the intellectual, Discrepancies about our reality and questions that arise from the “morally unjust” spiritual approximation that happened in places like Africa during the colonization era. If we take for example the biblical account of the exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt , Before Moses could be awakened to the need to free the Israelite people from their slavery in Egypt, he was privy to a manifestation by God, Now that is the catch, Even if other people might not believe Moses’s account of his God encounter, Moses knew what he saw and would believe it because he was directly involved in the experience and suffice it to say that if there was a judgement of Moses and the people, by virtue of encounter and experience it is common sense to say that the criteria for Moses’s judgement would be higher than that of the ordinary people since he had a personal encounter and every ignorance on his part would be a conscious and deliberate one and would be in contrast of the ignorance of the people who didn’t have a personal encounter. Another mind freeing example would be the case of Paul of tarsus who was supervising the persecution of early Christians during the period shortly after the death of Christ, He had an inner conviction to the purpose of what he was doing “as the right thing to do”, up until he had his encounter with Christ after which he turned a new leaf. Events like this even though latent and not really focused on much by the lenses of modern day theology carry much weight in meaning and is very very critical to rationality in modern day spirituality and the pre-ordained free flow of our consciousness, Paul was not deemed evil by Christ, and we can envisage the height of “beyond this world” wisdom by which Christ executes judgement, Paul was a man persecuting the church with an unflinching will and resolve, even supervising the death of some saints and yet Christ could just forgive him in an instant for all he had done… WHY???? simple.. because Paul was “unconsciously ignorant” of the reality of Christ, and we see from this that a person might be evil not because they are “evil” in the sense but because deep down there is a rationale that justifies the righteousness of their actions even though they might be pure of heart, they are only just lacking in the knowledge of a higher reality that they are not aware of.
Back to the spiritual undertone to this article, we all are witnesses to the dictates and control that religion wields in the subjugation of the human consciousness in some circles. An example is the latent support of the church during the trans-Atlantic slave trade enterprise in Africa, I say latent support because with the degree of authority that the Roman and Anglican catholic church wielded during those periods of the trans Atlantic slave trade, The pope had such significant power, influence and say that all it took was a statement of global condemnation by the pope in regard of such a despicable act for the involved parties to rescind their acts on such treachery, But what did we have? Only business as usual. The African people’s culture was demonized and condemned by the white supremacists not in the name of Christ but in the name of waging a psychological warfare on the African mind all for the sake of dominance, control and exploitation. It sure was not in the name of Christ, why do i conclude this? Its quite easy, If Christ forgave Paul in all his deeds of persecuting the saints of his time due to his “unconscious ignorance”, How much more would Christ have done to the African people who were also “Unconsciously ignorant” of him and were performing rites and rituals according to the way they understood spirituality and their known way of interfacing with divinity, Critically speaking, these Africans did not persecute anyone for their religion and did not encroach on anyone’s land or breach their freedom. The christ that was all forgiving and wise would have manifested himself personally to them and offered them salvation as a function of their free will and choice and not on the heels of colonisation, control and exploitation. “Manifestation” is the word, just like moses was manifested to, same as paul, lest not forget that before these manifestations the subjects in question were unconsciously ignorant, Then the underlying question, WHY WAS AFRICA NOT GIVING THE CHOICE OF THEIR OWN MANIFESTATION BEFORE THEIR TRADITION AND CULTURE WAS DEMONIZED BY THE BRINGERS OF CHRIST, WHY WAS AFRICA NOT GRANTED THE CHOICE OF THEIR OWN SALVATION BY VIRTUE OF THEIR CHRIST MANIFESTATION AND FREE WILL LIKE THAT OF THE SAINTS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT?. The answer is simple, that christ was used as a weapon to subjugate the african mind so they can surrender their will and resolve to the whims of the colonial invaders. How do you label a man a sinner when he is not even aware of his own sin? When all he does is work to feed his family, do right by his clan and community and performs spiritual rites that he knows whether by personal manifestation or lineage inheritance. How does the man know he is sinning without a personal manifestation of a higher gnosis that brings him to a realization of his sin life. And moreover, On what authority do you label the man a sinner in the spiritual context? on the authority of christ? Fowl!!! Christ never wielded authority on anyone in his life time, at least according to the same scripture from the which the Christ context emanates, instead he offered salvation on the premise of free will and personal choice. Back to the “Unconsciously Ignorant” African, Labelling the man a sinner wields an authority that is not of christ, and yet the context for which the man is labelled sinner is of the spiritual stature of christ, and that in an analogous term seems like using the seal of a King or royal lineage without royal consent, That is a SCAM in itself. Again labelling the man a sinner in a sense already passes a sort of judgement and condemnation on him, whereas the context for which the man is judged and condemned from which is the stature of Christ, Is invalid because Christ never judged or condemned anyone during his lifetime and scripture even accounts for this.
In final words, It is quite reasonable and rational to think of the judgement of a man in parrallel terms as to what he knows and is aware of, biblical scripture attests to this fact. An example is James 4:17 that says, To he who knows what is right and does not do it, to him it would be counted as SIN. And another part where Christ himself said that to whom much is given much is expected. This stresses the point that the height of a person’s enlightenment would be the criteria for which the person would be judged. So to the spiritual progressives out there, i would implore you to live your life beyond the stress and dictates of the control mechanisms of religion or whatsoever control mechanism out there, Live free and know within yourself that truth is not what is told but what is realized, trust your journey in as much you are honest and genuine about it. Make sure to always, i repeat, always live by the height of realization that dwells within your consciousness and at the same time seeking, knocking and asking for more realization. By only this can we attain bliss, peace of mind and freedom. To A Peace of Mine, To A Peace of Yours, One Consciousness. Shalom